September Concerts

Pittsburgh Area Concerts

Madeleine Peyroux & Joan Osborne

Two of the day’s foremost singers and song stylists each perform their career defining albums in their entirety. Joan Osborne reaches back to Relish, which racked up seven Grammy Award Nominations and featured her signature songs “One of Us” and “St. Theresa.” Madeleine Peyroux plays her 2004 multiplatinum release, Careless Love, with her jazz inflected interpretations of music by Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Hank Williams and Elliot Smith.

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Fri, Sep 24 – Sun, Sep 26, 2021

GLINKA: Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila
RAVEL: Piano Concerto in G major
TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 4

Beck Center for the Arts
17801 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107

Broadway Bound by Neil Simon
September 10-Octocer 3